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Reception - ES

Welcome to Reception - ES



In Reception we aim to provide a warm, secure, healthy and enriching environment in which our children continue on their school journey. At Cefn Fforest we encourage and value the partnership between home and school. We all share responsibility for the development of our children, especially in the early years.

On these pages we aim to keep you up-to-date with your children's Reception adventures and experiences.


Class Dojo is the platform we will be using to communicate with parents and carers.

See our Twitter page @cefnprimaryES1 for updates from our class. You may also find some of our work on our school Twitter page @cefnprimary.


Class information

Staff members for Reception are as follows:

  • Mrs E Setchell – Class teacher
  • Mrs L Thomas – Reception Teaching Assistant (Mrs Lloyd)
  • Miss D Davies - Reception Teaching Assistant 


Our topic this term is Seize the Seasons - Autumn. To start we will be focussing on settling in and then all things seasonal. We will be learning through teacher led activities and structured play opportunities. See the topic web attached for an idea of what we have planned. There will be times where the children will lead the learning; in class we call this pupil voice. Everything we deliver will be linked to the following areas of learning: Language Literacy and Communication, Mathematics and Numeracy, Health and Wellbeing, Expressive Arts, Science and Technology and Humanities. Ultimately, the aim of our curriculum is to support the children to become:  ambitious, capable learners, ready to learn throughout their lives.  Enterprising, creative contributors, ready to play a full part in life and work.  Ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world.  Healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society.




    Our PE day is a Tuesday. Please come to school dressed dressed in your kit and ready for action! Please remember health and safety guidelines require that no jewellery is to be worn on P.E. days. Girls with long hair need to have it tied back.


    Please ensure your child has a waterproof coat with a hood as when it is raining we still may access the outdoors.




    Our Enabling Environment

    Reception experiences - Autumn 2022
